Understanding the Array Aggregation Function in PostgreSQL (array_agg)

PostgreSQL, also known as Postgres, is a powerful and feature-rich relational database management system. One of its notable features is the array aggregation function, array_agg, which allows you to aggregate values from multiple rows into a single array. In this blog post, we’ll explore how array_agg works, its applications, and considerations for performance.

How Does array_agg Work?

The array_agg function takes an expression as an argument and returns an array containing the values of that expression for all the rows that match the query. Let’s illustrate this with an example.

Consider a table called employees with columns id, name, and department. Suppose we want to aggregate all the names of employees belonging to the “Sales” department into an array. We can achieve this using the following query:

SELECT array_agg(name) AS sales_employees
FROM employees
WHERE department = 'Sales';

The result of this query will be a single row with a column named sales_employees, which contains an array of all the names of employees in the “Sales” department.

Usage of array_agg with Subqueries

The ability to get an array as the output opens up various possibilities, especially when used in subqueries. You can leverage this feature to aggregate data from related tables or filter results based on complex conditions.

For instance, imagine you have two tables, orders and order_items, where each order can have multiple items. You want to retrieve a list of orders along with an array of item names for each order. The following query achieves this:

SELECT o.order_id, (
  SELECT array_agg(oi.item_name)
  FROM order_items oi
  WHERE oi.order_id = o.order_id
) AS item_names
FROM orders o;

In this example, the subquery within the main query’s select list utilizes array_agg to aggregate item names from the order_items table, specific to each order.

Complex Query Example Using array_agg

To demonstrate a more complex scenario, let’s consider a database that stores books and their authors. We have three tables: books, authors, and book_authors (a join table that associates books with their respective authors).

Suppose we want to retrieve a list of books along with an array of author names for each book by alphabetical order. We can achieve this using a query that involves joins and array_agg:

SELECT b.title, array_agg(a.author_name ORDER BY a.author_name ASC) AS authors
FROM books b
JOIN book_authors ba ON b.book_id = ba.book_id
JOIN authors a ON ba.author_id = a.author_id
GROUP BY b.book_id;

In this query, we join the tables based on their relationships and use array_agg to aggregate author names into an array for each book. The GROUP BY clause ensures that each book’s array of author names is grouped correctly.

Performance Considerations

While array_agg is a powerful function, it’s essential to consider its performance implications, especially when working with large datasets. Aggregating values into arrays can be computationally intensive, and the resulting array can consume significant memory.

If you anticipate working with large result sets or complex queries involving array_agg, it’s worth optimizing your database schema, indexing relevant columns, and analyzing query performance using PostgreSQL’s built-in tools.

Additionally, consider whether array_agg is the most efficient solution for your specific use case. Sometimes, alternative approaches, such as using temporary tables or custom aggregate functions, might offer better performance.


The array_agg function in PostgreSQL provides a powerful mechanism for aggregating values into arrays. It offers flexibility and opens up opportunities for various applications, including subqueries and complex data manipulations. However, when working with large datasets, it’s crucial to be mindful of potential performance implications and explore optimization strategies accordingly.

Author: Abhilash

I'm Abhilash, a web developer who specializes in Ruby development. With years of experience working with various frameworks like Rails, Angular, Sinatra, Laravel, NodeJS, React and more, I am passionate about building robust and scalable web applications. Since 2010, I have been honing my skills and expertise in the Ruby on Rails platform. This blog is dedicated to sharing my knowledge and experience on topics related to Ruby, Ruby on Rails, and other subjects that I have worked with throughout my career. Join me on this journey to explore the exciting world of web development!

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